Middle classes cannot be left behind: a call to action!
Format BrochéAuteur : Garance Wattez-Richard

Livraison en Guyane tout compris

Retours et SAV simplifiés

Garantie Isleden
The new voices of corporate express their vision
Around the world, almost 4 billion people - families, micro-entrepreneurs, SMEs - are at constant risk of falling into precarity.
This book aims to provide solutions to weaken this vulnerability, a defining characteristic of the more modest middle classes.
By founding the AXA Group's inclusive insurance business, Garance Wattez-Richard had in mind to other innovative responses to this growing concern, whilst at the same time having a significant societal impact. This is AXA EssentiALL's journey.
Throughout the book, she dialogues with some of the most recognised players within the financial inclusion field in order to put the spotlight on key new integration and protection tools and their founding principles.
Together, they map out a path that starts with innovations built as closely as possible to local realities, insights, networks to then be scaled, as volume is an essential factor of this activity if it is to remain economically and socially sustainable.