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Garantie Isleden
Aux dix-neuf lettres d'Étienne Gilson éditées par le P. de Lubac chez Aubier en 1986 ont été ajoutées, pour cette nouvelle édition, quatorze lettres du P. de Lubac qui éclairent et précisent la nature des relations entre ces deux interlocuteurs d'une exceptionnelle envergure intellectuelle. L'amitié qui les lie et s'approfondit au fil du temps, en dépit de divergences de fond, repose sur la même quête inlassable de cette étroite articulation entre la destinée de l'homme et le mystère de Dieu qu'appellent et qu'exigent leur raison et leur foi commune. En 1986, le P. de Lubac présentait la 1re édition comme un « document exceptionnel pour aider à comprendre les grands débats philosophiques et théologiques qui ont animé la vie intellectuelle dans le catholicisme d'un bon demi-siècle : le dépassement du thomisme à l'usage des écoles", la recherche d'une "philosophie chrétienne" qui respecte l'autonomie de la philosophie et de la théologie, le "modernisme", la "nouvelle théologie" et la "question du surnaturel, la pensée de Teilhard" ». En somme, ces étemelles questions métaphysiques qui logent au coeur de tout homme.
To the nineteen letters written by Étienne Gilson published by Father de Lubac (Aubier, 1986) we have added fourteen letters written by Father de Lubac in this new edition. They elucidate the precise nature of the relations between two correspondents of exceptional intellectual span. The friendship between them, which grew deeper with the passing years in spite of fundamental differences, was built on the same unrelenting quest to understand the narrow intersection between man's destiny and the mystery of God, motivated and demanded by their common faith. In 1986, Father de Lubac presented the 1st edition in these words: "an exceptional document to help understand the great philosophical and theological debates that have enlivened intellectual life in Catholicism for the last half a century: reaching beyond scholarly' Thomism, the search for Christian philosophy' that respects the autonomy of philosophy and theology, modernism', new theology' and the question of supernatural', the thoughts of Teilhard". The eternal metaphysical questions that reside in the heart of all men."
To the nineteen letters written by Étienne Gilson published by Father de Lubac (Aubier, 1986) we have added fourteen letters written by Father de Lubac in this new edition. They elucidate the precise nature of the relations between two correspondents of exceptional intellectual span. The friendship between them, which grew deeper with the passing years in spite of fundamental differences, was built on the same unrelenting quest to understand the narrow intersection between man's destiny and the mystery of God, motivated and demanded by their common faith. In 1986, Father de Lubac presented the 1st edition in these words: "an exceptional document to help understand the great philosophical and theological debates that have enlivened intellectual life in Catholicism for the last half a century: reaching beyond scholarly' Thomism, the search for Christian philosophy' that respects the autonomy of philosophy and theology, modernism', new theology' and the question of supernatural', the thoughts of Teilhard". The eternal metaphysical questions that reside in the heart of all men."