Format BrochéAuteur : LUBAC HENRI DE
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Garantie Isleden
Quelle place doivent tenir l'Église et les chrétiens dans la société contemporaine ? Tel est le thème dominant des textes du Père de Lubac présentés ici. Face à une crise qui ébranle les racines spirituelles européennes, il juge impératif de renouer avec les fondements de la tradition authentique du catholicisme. Et la critique de l'Église doit se faire à l'intérieur même de l'Église et toujours dans un esprit de charité. Ceux qui tentent de couper l'Église du monde ne font que l'étouffer et l'affaiblir. Tous ces textes témoignent de sa loyauté indéfectible à l'égard des enseignements de Vatican II, de son soutien inlassable à Paul VI, de son admiration pour Balthasar dont l'oeuvre représentait pour lui la plus parfaite vision catholique du monde qu'ait produit le XXe siècle. Le Père de Lubac défend un catholicisme vivant, engagé dans la réalité quotidienne : seule condition possible pour qu'il trouve un nouveau souffle.
What role should the Church and Christians play in contemporary society? This is the dominant theme in these texts by Father de Lubac. In the face of a crisis that has shaken Europe's spiritual roots, he esteemed that it was essential to renew the foundations of the authentic tradition of Catholicism. The Church's criticism must come from inside the Church itself, and always delivered in a spirit of charity. Those who try to cut the Church off from the world will only suffocate and weaken it. All of these texts are a testimony to his unfailing loyalty to the teachings of Vatican II, his constant support for Paul VI, his admiration for Balthasar whose work represented, to him, the most perfect vision of Catholicism produced in the 20th century. Father de Lubac defends a living Catholicism, committed to the reality of daily life: the unique condition under which it may find renewal.
What role should the Church and Christians play in contemporary society? This is the dominant theme in these texts by Father de Lubac. In the face of a crisis that has shaken Europe's spiritual roots, he esteemed that it was essential to renew the foundations of the authentic tradition of Catholicism. The Church's criticism must come from inside the Church itself, and always delivered in a spirit of charity. Those who try to cut the Church off from the world will only suffocate and weaken it. All of these texts are a testimony to his unfailing loyalty to the teachings of Vatican II, his constant support for Paul VI, his admiration for Balthasar whose work represented, to him, the most perfect vision of Catholicism produced in the 20th century. Father de Lubac defends a living Catholicism, committed to the reality of daily life: the unique condition under which it may find renewal.