Format BrochéAuteur : AUGUSTIN D'HIPPONE
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Garantie Isleden
Saint Augustin est assis au fond de l'abside, il est entouré de ses prêtres, il prêche pour le Carême et les jours saints. Avec une éloquence vivante, chaleureuse et familière, il accompagne les candidats au baptême au cours des rites de leur initiation (la renonciation à Satan, la tradition du symbole et du Notre Père). Jour après jour, il célèbre la Passion et la Résurrection du Christ, il annonce la bonne nouvelle du salut : le Fils de Dieu s'est fait homme pour que les hommes deviennent fils de Dieu. Il commente les rites et les signes, le pain et le vin, qui alimentent la vie nouvelle et donnent part au vrai bonheur.
Saint Augustine is seated at the back of the apse, encircled by his priests, preaching for Lent and the days of Holy Week. With lively eloquence, warm and informal, he instructs the candidates for Baptism through their initiation rites (the renouncement of Satan, the tradition the Creed and of Our Father). Day after day, he celebrates the Passion and Resurrection of Christ and announces the good news of salvation: the Son of God became man that men might become the sons of God. He comments on the rites and symbols, the bread and the wine, which will sustain the new life and allow men to share in true happiness.
Saint Augustine is seated at the back of the apse, encircled by his priests, preaching for Lent and the days of Holy Week. With lively eloquence, warm and informal, he instructs the candidates for Baptism through their initiation rites (the renouncement of Satan, the tradition the Creed and of Our Father). Day after day, he celebrates the Passion and Resurrection of Christ and announces the good news of salvation: the Son of God became man that men might become the sons of God. He comments on the rites and symbols, the bread and the wine, which will sustain the new life and allow men to share in true happiness.