Format BrochéAuteur : Vincent Jordy
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Garantie Isleden
L'évangile de Jean rapporte de nombreuses rencontres de Jésus avec des personnes ou des groupes, rencontres qui furent l'occasion d'enseignements décisifs et qui tracent un chemin de vie chrétienne que Mgr Vincent Jordy nous invite à emprunter. S'appuyant sur les commentaires des Pères de l'Église et sur les travaux les plus récents, en particulier sur les sources juives qui donnent des éclairages nouveaux et passionnants sur cet évangile, l'auteur nous fait entrer dans l'expérience de la rencontre de Jésus, événement chaque fois unique, mais qui permet à chacun de s'interroger profondément. Ces rencontres de Jésus (avec les premiers disciples, sa mère à Cana, Nicodème, la Samaritaine, les pharisiens, la foule, la femme adultère, l'aveugle-né, Marie de Béthanie... mais aussi avec son Père dans la prière), et, par-delà la mort, les rencontres du ressuscité, constituent pour nous un véritable pèlerinage évangélique. Celui-ci nous donne l'occasion d'un autre pèlerinage, celui que nous avons à faire en notre « terre intérieure », au coeur de notre vie. La rencontre du Christ nous conduit à une rencontre plus profonde de nous-même et nous éclaire sur nos rencontres avec les autres.
The Gospel According to Saint John describes numerous encounters between Jesus and people or groups - encounters that provided an opportunity for decisive teachings, which delineate a Christian life itinerary that Mgr Vincent Jordy invites us to adopt. Referring to commentaries by the Fathers of the Church and more recent works, in particular Jewish sources that cast a fascinating new light on this Gospel, the author immerses us in the experience of meeting Jesus - a unique event on every occasion - and which invites each of us to reflect deeply. These encounters with Jesus (with the first disciples, His mother at Cana, Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, the Pharisees, the multitude, the woman taken in adultery, the man born blind, Mary of Bethany... as well as his Father in prayer, and, beyond death, those with the Resurrected Christ) constitute a veritable evangelical pilgrimage for us. This provides us with the opportunity for another pilgrimage, one which we must make to our inner land', to the heart of our existence. Meeting with Christ leads us to a more profound encounter with ourselves and illuminates our encounters with others.
The Gospel According to Saint John describes numerous encounters between Jesus and people or groups - encounters that provided an opportunity for decisive teachings, which delineate a Christian life itinerary that Mgr Vincent Jordy invites us to adopt. Referring to commentaries by the Fathers of the Church and more recent works, in particular Jewish sources that cast a fascinating new light on this Gospel, the author immerses us in the experience of meeting Jesus - a unique event on every occasion - and which invites each of us to reflect deeply. These encounters with Jesus (with the first disciples, His mother at Cana, Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, the Pharisees, the multitude, the woman taken in adultery, the man born blind, Mary of Bethany... as well as his Father in prayer, and, beyond death, those with the Resurrected Christ) constitute a veritable evangelical pilgrimage for us. This provides us with the opportunity for another pilgrimage, one which we must make to our inner land', to the heart of our existence. Meeting with Christ leads us to a more profound encounter with ourselves and illuminates our encounters with others.