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Garantie Isleden
Le présent volume est la seconde édition, revue et corrigée, de la traduction française de la thèse de doctorat de Mgr Zizioulas, publiée en 1993 pour la première fois dans une langue occidentale. Ayant comme principe méthodologique de base l'examen rigoureux des sources des trois premiers siècles, Mgr jean Zizioulas confirme la théorie de l'ecclésiologie eucharistique, développée dans la diaspora orthodoxe par les travaux du père Nicolas Afanassieff et du père Alexandre Schmemann, tout en la corrigeant et en la complétant. En effet, pour l'auteur, il n'est pas possible de parler de l'Église et de son unité sans faire référence à la sainte eucharistie. Elle est le centre de l'unité des chrétiens avec le Christ dans le corps de l'Église, car c'est en elle et par elle que l'Église se révèle comme corps du Christ et comme communion du Saint Esprit. Mais, pour le métropolite de Pergame, c'est dans l'unique eucharistie conduite par l'unique évêque que l'Église doit retrouver son unité. L'ecclésiologie eucharistique est surtout « épiscopocentrique ». C'est l'évêque qui manifeste la catholicité et la plénitude de chaque Église locale. C'est également par lui que « l'union commune » se réalise au sein de l'institution conciliaire. Les thèses développées dans cet ouvrage, publié en grec pour la première fois en 1965, ont été confirmées par les recherches postérieures et sont considérées aujourd'hui comme un « lieu commun ». Ainsi, pour le cardinal Yves Congar, Mgr Zizioulas est « l'un des théologiens les plus originaux et les plus profonds de notre époque » et, pour Mgr Kallistos Ware, il est « le théologien le plus créatif et le plus brillant dans l'Église orthodoxe d'aujourd'hui ».
This book is the second edition, revised and corrected, of the French translation of Mgr Zizioulas's doctoral thesis, published for the first time in a Western language in 1993. His basic methodological principle being a rigorous study of sources from the first three centuries, Mgr John Zizioulas confirms the theory of Eucharistic ecclesiology developed in the Orthodox diaspora by the research of Father Nicolas Afanassieff and Father Alexandre Schmemann, while amending and completing it. For the author, it is impossible to discuss the Church in its unity without reference to the Holy Eucharist. It is the centre of the unity of Christians with Christ in the body of the Church, for it is in and by the Eucharist that the Church is revealed as the body of Christ and communion with the Holy Spirit. But, for the Metropolitan of Pergamon, it is in the unique Eucharist, lead by the unique bishop, that the Church must recover its unity. Eucharistic ecclesiology is above all episcopo-centric'. It is the bishop who manifests the catholicity and the plenitude of each local Church. It is also through him that common union' is realized within the conciliar institution. The theses developed in this book, published in Greek for the first time in 1965, were confirmed by later research and are accepted by all today. For Yves Congar, Mgr Zizioulas is One of the most original theologians, and one of the deepest of our times' and, for Mgr Kallistos Ware, he is the most creative theologian and the most brilliant in the Orthodox Church today'.
This book is the second edition, revised and corrected, of the French translation of Mgr Zizioulas's doctoral thesis, published for the first time in a Western language in 1993. His basic methodological principle being a rigorous study of sources from the first three centuries, Mgr John Zizioulas confirms the theory of Eucharistic ecclesiology developed in the Orthodox diaspora by the research of Father Nicolas Afanassieff and Father Alexandre Schmemann, while amending and completing it. For the author, it is impossible to discuss the Church in its unity without reference to the Holy Eucharist. It is the centre of the unity of Christians with Christ in the body of the Church, for it is in and by the Eucharist that the Church is revealed as the body of Christ and communion with the Holy Spirit. But, for the Metropolitan of Pergamon, it is in the unique Eucharist, lead by the unique bishop, that the Church must recover its unity. Eucharistic ecclesiology is above all episcopo-centric'. It is the bishop who manifests the catholicity and the plenitude of each local Church. It is also through him that common union' is realized within the conciliar institution. The theses developed in this book, published in Greek for the first time in 1965, were confirmed by later research and are accepted by all today. For Yves Congar, Mgr Zizioulas is One of the most original theologians, and one of the deepest of our times' and, for Mgr Kallistos Ware, he is the most creative theologian and the most brilliant in the Orthodox Church today'.