Format BrochéAuteur : Pierre Descouvemont
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Garantie Isleden
Thérèse n'eut de cesse de rendre grâce pour ses frères, cadeaux de Dieu, tout en veillant à ne pas chercher en eux un bonheur qu'elle ne voulait trouver qu'en Lui. Elle sut trouver dans l'approfondissement spirituel des remèdes pour traverser les difficultés inévitables de toute vie communautaire. La charité de Thérèse s'étendait au monde entier. Elle espérait, en vivant radicalement sa vocation de carmélite, attirer un grand nombre de frères et de soeurs vers le Christ. Elle découvrit dans l'Évangile comment sa vie pouvait être féconde. Par la prière, elle comprit que sa mission se poursuivrait sur terre après sa mort.
Theresa never ceased to thank God for her brothers, gifts of God, while she carefully avoided finding in them the happiness that she wished to find only in Him. She was able to discover remedies for the inevitable difficulties of all community life through deeper spiritual meditation. Theresa's charity spread to the whole world. She hoped, by living her Carmelite vocation to the extreme, to attract a great many brothers and sisters to Christ. In the gospel, she discovered how fertile her life could be. Through prayer, she understood that her mission would continue on Earth after her death.
Theresa never ceased to thank God for her brothers, gifts of God, while she carefully avoided finding in them the happiness that she wished to find only in Him. She was able to discover remedies for the inevitable difficulties of all community life through deeper spiritual meditation. Theresa's charity spread to the whole world. She hoped, by living her Carmelite vocation to the extreme, to attract a great many brothers and sisters to Christ. In the gospel, she discovered how fertile her life could be. Through prayer, she understood that her mission would continue on Earth after her death.