Design Basics
Format BrochéAuteur : Martin Prettenthaler, Gerhard Heufler, Michael Lanz

Livraison en Guyane tout compris

Retours et SAV simplifiés

Garantie Isleden
"Design Basics" covers a wide range of topics, from the historical roots to an outlook on the near future, from compréhensive product functions to the complex design process, theoretical foundations to descriptive case studies.
The central theme is product design, taking the conflicting interests of consumers, producers, and designers into consideration. This volume appeals to interested users as well as committed entrepreneurs, inquisitive technicians and aspiring designers from the msot diverse sectors. It is a compact introduction to industrial design, written by specialists on the dield with many years of experience as product designers, design managers, ergonomists and design educators at various universities.
- Format
- Broché
- Collection
- Date de parution
- 22/08/2019