Days gone by
Format ReliéAuteur : Rubbert Jörg
Livraison en Guyane tout compris
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Garantie Isleden
Frozen Time
The faded remnants of a glorious past are captured in all their morbid beauty, in images that manifest the ephemeral and go beyond all conventional associations and conceptions of the American South: Days Gone By combines carefully crafted photographs from the past ten years with a cultural history of the region's social and structural changes. With an unflinching gaze, Jörg Rubbert presents the demise of countless small towns between Georgia, Mississippi and Texas, their suffering particularly tangible following the financial crisis. Rural towns, idyllic at first glance, are soon revealed as forgotten relics of times long past.
"The images are themselves a call to action, a powerful plea for the historical legacy they document to be embraced and for these abandoned town centers and deserted streets to be preserved and revitalized." (From the preface by Peter Littger, columnist and renowned author who has toured the South extensively and has studied the mentalities of the region.)
- Format
- Relié
- Auteur(s)
- Rubbert Jörg
- Collection
- Date de parution
- 16/11/2017