101 Hotel Baths et Spas
Format ReliéAuteur : Peter Joehnk, Corinna Kretschmar-Joehnk
Livraison en Guyane tout compris
Retours et SAV simplifiés
Garantie Isleden
Due to the significant growth of the global wholistic health movement, wellness aspects are becoming key factors for the hospitality industry. Oases of peace, relaxation and retreat from a hectic daily life routine are gaining in prominence all over the world. Today, high value is almost always attached to beautiful bathrooms and spa areas - whether for newly constructed hotels, extensions or transformations.
The volume presents remarkable international examples by Corinna Kretschmar-Joehnk and Peter Joehnk to illustrate the literally inexhaustible design possibilities for these spaces of revival and invigoration. The projects include elegant bathroom sceneries and luxurious spa resorts, along with fancy public restrooms and small but distinguished wellness and fitness areas. The two sought-after hotel specialists always find the perfect individual design concept for the most diverse hotels from around the world.
- Format
- Relié
- Collection
- Date de parution
- 12/12/2014