Luxury living
Format BrochéAuteur : Hilde Smeesters

Livraison en Guyane tout compris

Retours et SAV simplifiés

Garantie Isleden
Une monographie de l'entreprise B+ Villas, spécialisée dans les villas haut de gamme contemporaines et intemporelles.
Selected works, both in a contemporary and a timeless style, of one of the main Belgian construction and renovation firms: b+ villas.
The unique co-operation between the architect, study bureau and contractor allows a custom-made total package to be offered to clients, in which the design, construction, project coordination, detailed finish, interior design, decoration, garden laying and even the relocation and upkeep of the villa can be included.
Luxury Living doesn't only refer to the luxury villas that b+ villas builds, but also to the feeling they give to their clients: the experience of the whole building process, from the creation to the finished house, must be a pleasant and enjoyable manner of working for both the client and the working team.
Edition multilingue : français-anglais-néerlandais
- Format
- Broché
- Auteur(s)
- Hilde Smeesters
- Collection
- Ouvrages sur l'habitat
- Date de parution
- 13/10/2011