Smart(er) Internet Regulation Through Cost-Benefit Analysis
Format BrochéAuteur : Winston J. Maxwell W

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Garantie Isleden
Smart(er) Internet Regulation is about applying better regulation principles to the internet. The book addresses difficult-to-quantify policy objectives, such as protection of fundamental rights and the preservation of the internet ecosystem, and proposes a method to make trade-offs more explicit, and regulatory solutions better fit for purpose.
"... a level-headed look at the costs and benefits that flow from internet regulation... Maxwell's analysis of fundamental rights is enlightening."
Martin Cave, Imperial College Business School, London"... a checklist that should be used by anyone considering a new regulation affecting internet intermediaries."
Nicolas Curien, French Audiovisual Regulatory Authority (CSA)"...a must-read for students of digital regulation."
Maya Bacache, French Council of Economic Analysis (CAE)"Maxwell has shown that cost-benefit analyses can bring clearer thinking to internet regulation."
Marc Bourreau, Telecom ParisTech
- Format
- Broché
- Auteur(s)
- Winston J. Maxwell W
- Collection
- Date de parution
- 29/06/2017