Expertise management and monitoring
Format BrochéAuteur : Michèle Champagne, Valérie Brosset-Heckel
Livraison en Guyane tout compris
Retours et SAV simplifiés
Garantie Isleden
Innovating, anticipating, enhancing, and protecting essential knowledge, so many themes to explore in setting up expertise management, a new approach to knowledge management. Using a master guide, any company preserves a record of its complete range of in-house expertise, distinguishing factors for maintaining a competitive edge. How to identify essential knowledge ?
How to mobilize experts and make them cooperate in networks? What are the phases for organizing the capitalization of knowledge?
The focus of this book is helping companies achieve an expertise management approach based on feedback from Veolia Water Technical Direction.
A genuine methodological guide, this book is intended to help managers, knowledge managers and monitoring staff conduct a knowledge capitalization project from A to Z.
- Format
- Broché
- Collection
- Date de parution
- 30/08/2012