Forced to flee
Format BrochéAuteur : Marie-José Tubiana
Format BrochéAuteur : Marie-José Tubiana
12,65 €
Livraison sous 15 jours
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Livraison en Guyane tout compris

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Garantie Isleden
I only met those who managed to get through. Those who witnessed the attacks on their villages, the burning down of their homes. Those who buried their dead. Those who were caputured, imprisoned or tortured. Those who crossed the Sahara. Those who worked illegally in Libya to pay for the crossing of the Mediterranean. Those who do not speak the language of the country whre they arrive. Who are these men and sometimes women who ask for asylum in France ?
- Format
- Broché
- Auteur(s)
- Marie-José Tubiana
- Date de parution
- 20/06/2017