Les principes des contrats publics en Europe/Principles of public contracts in Europe
Format BrochéAuteur : Stéphane de La Rosa, Patricia Valcarcel Fernandez

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Garantie Isleden
Liste des abréviations, acronymes et sigles
Introduction Why we need a broad understanding of principles applicable to public contracts: the many shades of principles in public procurement
Part 1. Conceptual and theoretical framework Cadre conceptuel et théorique
Chapter 1. The polysemous notion of principle
Chapter 2. Classification of public contracts in the context of national laws
Chapter 3. Are the Principles of European contract law relevant for public contracts?
Chapter 4. Principles of Public Contracts in the United States of America
Chapter 5. International soft law principles on public acquisition contracts
Chapter 6. Le recours aux principes dans les contrats publics : origines, fonctions, esquisse de typologie
Part 2. National and international reports Rapports nationaux et internationaux
Chapter 1. Principles applying to procurement contracts entered into by EU institutions
Chapter 2. Belgium
Chapter 3. Croatia
Chapter 4. Czech Republic
Chapter 5. Denmark
Chapter 6. France
Chapter 7. Germany
Chapter 8. Greece
Chapter 9. Italy
Chapter 10. Luxembourg
Chapter 11. Netherlands
Chapter 12. Poland
Chapter 13. Portugal
Chapter 14. Romania
Chapter 15. Slovenia
Chapter 16. Spain
Chapter 17. United Kingdom
Part 3. Cross study of the principles Analyse des principes
Title 1. Core principles of public procurement: diversity in the implementation of Telaustria requirements
Chapter 1. The diversity of implementation of the principles of equality and non-discrimination, Martin Morales
Chapter 2. La transparence, un principe aux multiples facettes
Title 2. Structural principles of public contracts
Chapter 1. Le principe de "good value for money'
Chapter 2. The integrity principle in the Member States: the heterogeneous promotion of a consensual principle
Chapter 3. Principe de réciprocité
Title 3. Contractual principles and execution of the contracts
Chapter 1. The principles of public-public cooperation
Chapter 2. Principles of joint cross-border public contracts and transnational effects
Chapter 3. Principes régissant le recours à l'arbitrage en matière de contrats publics
Title 4. Social and societal principles
Chapter 1. Principes de l'économie circulaire appliqués aux contrats publics
Chapter 2. Principe de la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises et achat public durable en Europe : limites et ouvertures potentielles
- Format
- Broché
- Collection
- Droit administratif/Administrative law
- Date de parution
- 07/04/2022