Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe
Format BrochéAuteur :

Livraison en Guyane tout compris

Retours et SAV simplifiés

Garantie Isleden
Part 1. Introduction
Chapter 1. Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law a genesis
Chapter 2. Directive 2014/104: an overview
Part 2. Initiating a claim
Chapter 3. Litigation costs, funding and access to justice in competition damage actions in Europe
Chapter 4. Arbitration and Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe
Chapter 5. Collective redress European and private international law approach
Chapter 6. Cross-border damage antitrust claims and private international law rules on jurisdiction
Chapter 7. Limitation period
Part 3. Establishing liability
Chapter 8. Applicable law
Chapter 9. Investigative measures: domestic and international legal aspects
Chapter 10. The 'Fault' Requirement: The case of France and Certain Other EU States
Chapter 11. Liability and Damages Issues Joint and Several Liability
Chapter 12. Quantifying damages: an overview
Chapter 13. Cartel damages actions in Europe: how courts have assessed cartel overcharges
Part 4. National reports
Chapter 14. Germany
Chapter 15. Italy
Chapter 16. Belgium
Chapter 17. Spain
Chapter 18. France
Conclusion. What Would Karel Say?
- Format
- Broché
- Collection
- Compétition Law/Droit de la concurrence
- Date de parution
- 21/05/2021